
Jogging is a big ‘waist’ of time

Running for fat loss is a big waist of time (get it?). Let’s clarify that statement a bit. Sprinting is a fantastic tool to be used in the arsenal of the intermediate to advanced practitioner, who want to use it to either ditch some excess bodyfat or to build a V8 engine that can dole out some powerful athleticism. But what happens when someone who doesn’t run regularly decides that they want ‘to lose some weight’? The common practice is to start putting some miles in on the roads around their house or work. But is going from zero miles to pounding the pavement, to lose bodyfat, a good idea? The answer is no. Increased bodyfat percentage, shin splints, sore ankles, knee trauma and low back pain are just a few of the prizes you can win if you decide that you’re going to use running as your initial fat loss strategy. Read more

Rules of the Pull (Up)

Functional strength could also be considered ‘skill strength’, or the ability to easily apply your strength to a specific task. And what is ‘functional’ if not the ability to move your own bodyweight around?

Now, whilst there are many guys walking around most gyms who have the ability to pull a barbell with over twice their bodyweight off of the floor, there seems to be a shortage of guys who have the ability to perform five strict deadhang pull ups. Which is just weird, because unless they weigh over 16 stone they ‘should’ be strong enough to do it. So why are ‘good’ pull ups a rarity in most gyms?

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Leg Press and the Spanish Inquisition

A few weeks ago I was grilled over a Facebook post I’d made regarding the leg press machines found in most gyms. To spoil the ending… I’m not very fond of them. I think they take up space on the floor that would be better used for people to lie down on. The metal that they are made of would be better used in the construction of some kettlebells or a suspension rig.

So why is it that I would never consider putting a client on the leg press machine? Here’s the reasons I gave on Facebook fleshed out a bit, plus a few extra ones. Read more

The Sunday Routine

My kitchen tends to freak people out. On the front of the fridge is a laminated printed sheet with a four week menu. It tells me what meal I’m eating every night. On the front of my freezer is another laminated card. This one has written on it in non-permanent marker how many tubs of each, slow cooker prepared, frozen meals I have in it. I have a whiteboard on the wall, divided into two columns. One side is a ‘to do list’ and the other is a ‘to buy’ list. Whenever I get down to the last one or two apples, put away an almost empty packet of quinoa or even put the second last loo roll on the holder, I write on the board that I need to buy it at my next ‘big shop’. Read more