Working out vs Training (or why you’re killing yourself and getting poor results)
I recently saw a comment on a social media page that got me thinking, the conversation went a bit like this:
X: I’m not able to do heavy squats at my current gym.
Y: I know, it sucks not being able to do your big lifts bro!
Z: Why don’t you guys just modify your workout, it’s not such a big deal!
I’m happy to report that X and Y got to do their big lifts, but it got me thinking about ‘Z’s’ response. When two big strong dudes (and I know both have heavier than 2 x bodyweight high bar back squats and +2.5 x bodyweight deadlifts) like these talk about ‘training’ you tend to listen, especially if your idea of a heavy weight is vinyl and comes in varying shades of pink.