Entries by admin

Defining Strong

Recently it came to my attention that many people think that I hate anything that isn’t lifting heavy things and, preferably, sticking them over my head. They seem to think that I ‘only’ make people stronger. Being stronger does have some terrible side effects: Easier to pick up stuff Increased muscle mass Live longer Look […]


The importance of Easy Days

As a PT your process applied to clients should hopefully look something like this: Assess clients goal (the real goal, not that one they tell you) Assess clients starting point Teach client good technique (possibly ‘fixing client’ at the same time) Creating a plan for client Helping them work the plan Adusting the plan (as […]

StrongFirst Level 2 Kettlebell Instructor

On the weekend of May 8-10, I had the privilege to attend the StrongFirst Girya Level 2 instructor certification in Chelmsford, taught by than none other than Master SFG Dan John. This was a biggie for me, as I’ve read Dan’s work since the early 2000’s via his articles on T-Nation and bought his books […]

Confidence and Self-Belief

What is it you want from your training and diet? Is it 8% bodyfat and a sculpted body that turns heads? Is it the ability to lift twice your bodyweight from the floor on demand? Or the capacity to run for six miles without having to breathe like an asthmatic jackhammer? We all want to […]

The problem with Smith Machines

Every gym has one, no gym needs one. The most over priced hoodie holder in the gym, the Smith Machine was invented in the 1960’s by one of the fathers of modern fitness, Jack Lalanne. Quite possibly one of the few negative thing this fitness colossus did in his career. The intention behind the Smith […]


Toning up, and lifting heavy stuff

Every personal trainer, strength coach, athletic trainer or fitness guru on the planet know that one of the first things you ask a new client is: ‘What is your goal?’ In the world of personal training the answers are invariably something like: “I want to get fitter.” “I want to lose some weight.” “I want […]