Off to meet the Wizard…


The organisations that govern the professions of Medicine, Engineering, Teaching, Accountancy, etc, require that to call yourself things like Doctor, Chartered Engineer/Accountant, Teacher, etc, that you complete a certain amount of Continuing Professional Education (CPD) every two years.

The fitness industry is lacking in that regard. A lot of trainers get a qualification and never do any further education than wikipedia college or youtube university.

Not so this Coach. Next week I’m off to meet the Wizard/s. I’m privileged enough to be attending the StrongFirst Level 1 Kettlebell Instructor Certification. Some of you may be thinking: “But Colin, ain’t you a level 2?”

Yes, but there are a few things to consider here.

One – A progressive system evolves

Any system that is based on scientific studies and empirical evidence will evolve. Principles may remain constant, but the application and teaching of those principles may change over time.

Two – Maybe I took a potty break

Seriously. Maybe I missed something. The manual is excellent, as are the coaches. But am I going to pretend that I was able to be ‘fully present’ for all 22hrs of physically and mentally demanding education over the three days?

Three – Did I ask the right questions

Often it’s not the question that you asked, but the question that someone else asked. They used slightly different words than you would have used, and therefore elicit a slightly different answer. Over two decades of coaching martial arts has taught me that sometimes the best learning is to keep quiet in a Q&A session and let ‘less experienced’ coaches ask questions. Sometimes they completely rock things you have considered to be movable pillars of your system.

Four – Different presenters

Ties into number Three. The presenters will present the same material but they will do so from a, potentially, vastly different background. I have the privilege to be learning from SFG Chief Instructor Brett Jones and SFG Master Instructor Fabio Zonin. I’ve never met Brett but possibly own every Kettlebell/Functional Movement Systems dvd he has produced. I have had the honour of meeting Fabio, who is an excellent instructor and a guy who can motivate any room just by walking into it.


Five – A progressive Coach evolves

Just like a system evolves, so should a coach. I look back at the programmes I delivered five years ago and compare them to what I teach now. I have to note that there is/was nothing wrong with the older programmes but the big change  is the reduction in the number or exercises I ‘prescribe’. Whilst the quality of the instruction of the exercises has improved massively. The body can essentially do six movements in three planes (and we’ll argue the names of these until the end of time…) and also rotate around several axis. If I find a pair of exercises which challenge all of these, is it better to spend the time on mastering these than breaking each down movement/axis/rotation and focusing on them individually. This isn’t how the body works and would also take about ten times as long!

A professional should be constantly improving, but that doesn’t mean that they should be running off to a different course every second weekend. Part of improving, especially in the fitness industry, is learn where, when and how to use the new knowledge and tools you have obtained. Take the time to perfect your art.

As fitness practitioners, this also holds true.  The next time you train, take the time to be more mindful in your movements rather than just busting out reps. Are you completing the full range of motion? Are you practicing your tension/relaxation? Are you moving with integrity?

“I am not interested in how heavy, how quickly, or how many times you can do something poorly.” – David ‘Iron Tamer’ Whitley, Master SFG and performing Old Time Strongman

So, I’m off to meet the Wizards. Two coaches who know how to challenge the whole body with a reduced number of movements. Here’s to a weekend learn to coach the kettlebell ‘Big Six’:

  1. The Swing
  2. The Squat
  3. The Clean
  4. The Press
  5. The Snatch
  6. The Turkish Get Up (One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them)

You could fill a training career or a fitness lifetime with just these 6 movements plus their regressions and never stop making progress.

So, here’s to the Wizards and to three days of learning the magic behind the curtain.

Be fit, be strong, be happy!